
Ben, congratulations on the release of your new album, ‘Satellites’ and thanks for talking with us today! How does it feel to have it out there after so many years of lead-up work?

It feels fantastic! Been itching to share it with the world and I’m so happy its finally out! 


The album has been trailed by many singles of course – which ones do you feel have connected quickest with your fans?

That’s a really tough one, I think they all were received well but actually the one that probably stood out the most was the title single “Satellites” with Sarah de Warren because it was a different style to what I usually write.  It was really reassuring to see the positive comments about it and the song also reached a whole new audience of people.

We understood from the notes that accompanied ‘Satellites’, that aspects of your first album (‘Beside You’) had a problematic launch. Tell us a little about that? 

Oh that would be the curse of the pandemic that sadly hit everyone. Unfortunately, that completely halted any possible touring prospects with the first album which was a big bummer.  But in a way it was also a blessing because that led to the writing of “Satellites” and the discovery of new aspects to my career I previously was unaware of doing.


The title ‘Satellites’ relates to that in a fashion – could you explain that to our readers?

“Satellites” was written during the pandemic and is my love letter to fans who supported me through it. I was fortunate to discover streaming during that time on Twitch and I never felt more connected than ever despite being stuck at home.  The amount of support and love from people around the world was overwhelming and “Satellites” represents our connection to each other through the power of music.



somna sittingWhat aspects of streaming particularly appeal to you, and what are you plans in that respect over the course of this year?

I love how random streaming can be and how I can be myself and share with the world my personality, music and experiences. Its awesome to get real time feedback as well and I’ve met so many amazing people through it. I will be celebrating 3 years of streaming very soon and I’m constantly thinking of fresh ideas to keep my streams exciting.


The attributes of Twitch are widely known but is there anything you’d like to be able to do through the platform that you’re not currently able to?

I wish the feature to message all your subscribers came back.

God willing, your ‘Satellites’ club tour will be considerably more straightforward! What kind of places are you hitting with it and what are you most looking forward to about it!?

We’re still gathering dates but I have Edmonton on June 16th and Honolulu Hawaii on June 30th coming up soon! I love performing on stage and I can’t wait share music from “Satellites” alongside some fresh stuff!


The album is very ‘club’ in general. Early days perhaps, but which tracks are you standing out as dropping hardest on floors?

I’ve been testing many of them in the past while and I’d say “Your Gravity” and “Pretty Lies” go down really well in a live setting!

You’ve done a couple of tracks with Sarah de Warren for the album. What particularly appeals to you about her voice and songwriting?

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The tone of her voice is very unique and her writing is absolute top notch. Ever since I heard her early collaborations with Luke Bond I’ve been wanting to work with her so I’m overjoyed we’ve been able to work on 2 for my album.


You also notably are featuring your first M/F duet on ‘Satellites’ – how did that come about?

It started with an amazing vocal from Sean Ryan and as we worked on it I proposed the idea of bringing onboard Michele C for a duet because it just occurred to me as we were working on it that the song would sound amazing with her voice on it as well.


If there was one aspect of the album that we’ve not already talked about, that you’d like people to know about it, what would it be?

I suppose that the amazing artwork is done by Alpha 5 Design Group who really got the vision and created this amazing design to go along side it!


You also co-run the AVA Recordings label. How are things in that quarter at the moment? Any tracks in particular that readers should be keeping an eye out for?

Things at AVA are going great! I’m so proud of the talent we’ve signed and the music we’ve been releasing.  It’s been a joy watching some of our artists grow. There’s a new remix by Spencer Newell of “Colours” by Yang and Donna Tella that is absolute fire and Taygeto is about to drop an EP and the guy is just an incredible forward-thinking producer.  A.R.D.I. also has a mini album coming soon on AVA White and its all kinds of feels.

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Finally, Ben, anything else you’d like to tell the readership about Somna in 2023!?

Keep an eye out for the new remixes of music from my album. There’s some really great remixes and I hope to catch you in a city near you or on my streams at sometime!


Thanks for your time, Ben. Hope to see you soon!

My pleasure thanks for having me!